A large number of organisations are already transitioning to cloud-based solutions and according to recent research, “by 2021, Gartner expects 70% of public and private companies to be using cloud email services.”⁶ As services evolve so do attackers’ methods and the transition from on-premise to cloud solutions has seen a parallel transition by attackers with access to a user’s email account often granting access to a wide range of available services. This means that attackers may only need to steal one set of credentials to have a potent effect, which is clear from the marked increase in the number of attacks against cloud-based email services such as Microsoft Office 365.
A multilayer approach is crucial in strengthening an organisations’s security features and to keep an organization safe from email attacks.
The whitepaper on common email security threats with examples will help keep your organization safe from these attacks.
94% of malware is delivered via email. All it takes is one wrong click, and the damage is done.
We’re seeing a rise in phishing attacks against cloud-based email services such as Microsoft Office 365 as an increasing number of companies transition to the more cost-efficient cloud solutions. Email has been, and remains as, the primary initial attack vector used by attackers to infiltrate an organization’s server.
Read our whitepaper to:
- Discover the most common email security threats
- Understand how the transition to cloud-based solutions affects your email security
- Get an insight on COVID-19’s impact on the email threat landscape
- Learn how to protect your business from advanced email threats