Conduct a free Cyber Security test

Take the free cyber security test to get a full evaluation of your organisation’s cyber security and find out where you need to make improvements in order to get better protection. The test will only take about 10 minutes to complete and there is a substantial amount of very valuable information that can be gleaned whilst doing the test to enable you to ensure that your current security policy is sufficient for today’s cyber security threats.

The custom report that you will receive after completing the test includes direct benchmarks to other companies in your industry and related to your organisation’s size as well as feedback on your specific answers. For example, the following is one of the answers provided to a mid-size organisation on their response to the prediction of threats:

Preparation is crucial when trying to defend against cyber threats, as most companies do not have the resources or budget to protect everything to an equal degree. You need to make choices, clearly prioritizing the assets that are most valuable to you – these could be intellectual property, sensitive business plans or customers’ personal data (PII). Next up is figuring out your threat model. Which kinds of attackers are most likely to target your business and what are they after? Creating comprehensive attack scenarios is a good way to predict and prepare yourself against the most critical threats against your organization.

And finally, predicting and shutting down common attack vectors is one of the most productive things you can do for your security posture. According to Ponemon’s research, 57% of companies who reported a breach said it resulted from a known vulnerability that could have been patched. So, choose your software carefully and address critical vulnerabilities as soon as they’re discovered.