Life Healthcare Group, which is the second largest private hospital operator in SA with over 6500 beds was hit by a cyber-attack in June close to the peak of the COVID-19 outbreak in South Africa.
The Group alerted authorities and were forced to bring in 3rd party cyber security experts and forensic teams to assist their IT staff with dealing with the attack while their systems were taken offline to minimise any further consequences.
Garmin, the manufacturers of GPS wearable equipment was subjected to a ransomware attack in late July that left its website and call centres offline for over 24 hours. The Garmin Pilot app, which pilots use to plan flight paths, was also down. The company is now in to its fourth day dealing with the cyber-attack while the hackers have reportedly been asking for a $10 million ransom. Some of Garmin’s services are beginning to return gradually but not all the online service tools are available yet. Garmin has reassured its customers that their data, training activities and payment data as well as personal customer details have not been compromised in the hack which has been attributed to WastedLocker ransomware.